
Coach Licensing

The Education Bureau of the Guangdong Provincial Sports Commission established the “Wing Chun Professional Committee of the Guangdong Martial Art Association”. This is a provincial-level Wing Chun club organization and is the ONLY officially recognized club by the country. At present, the association has formally established the Wing Chun coach licensing examination system. For 300 years, Wing Chun has been teaching through word of mouth, the goal of this organization is to establish standardization and qualification for those teaching Wing Chun within China and globally.

The committee has designated councils and members to assess and qualify Wing Chun coaches. The relevant exams are divided into elementary, first, second, and advanced levels. Obtaining the qualifications conferred by the committee represents a professional and authoritative martial arts recognition, and further ensures the quality of the coaches to delineate the Wing Chun legacy.

Wing Chun Professional Committee of Guangdong Martial Arts Association
Wing Chun Professional Committee of Guangdong Martial Arts Association